EIT Urban mobility Co-funded by the EU

Partner Information Form (PIF)

Please fill in all the required fields marked with a star (*) to complete the form. Remember, your progress won't be saved until you hit submit.
If you're unsure about any field, don't hesitate to check the help text or reach out to us at servicedesk@eiturbanmobility.eu for assistance.

General Information

Your organisation needs to be already registered in the Participant Register of the Funding & Tenders Portal and have a 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC) with a 'Valid' or 'Declared' status. You can also verify whether your organisation is already registered and has a PIC on the Funding & Tenders Portal. If not, you can start the registration process on the same page and, once completed, copy the PIC Number in this form. For more details contact servicedesk@eiturbanmobility.eu


English translation of the Organization (if applicable)

In national language

Formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g.,ASCII,NASA) (max. 100 characters)

Please insert a brief description of the Added Value that your Oragnization brings to EIT Urban Mobility with special focus on e.g. owned assets, intellectual property, test beds, living labs, incubators, prototypes, products, services, tools, certificates, best practices, networks.

{{ getAddressFldNameChanged() }} Address
Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Zip City Country LAT LANG NUTS Action
{{x.addr1}} {{x.addr2}} {{x.addr3}} {{x.zip}} {{x.city}} {{x.country}} {{x.custentity_eitum_latitude}} {{x.custentity_eitum_longitude}} {{x.custentity_eitum_nuts_code}} Edit Delete
Add New

Add the address of a box at a post office where you can have mail delivered.

Postal sort code - intended for recipients of large amounts of post in France

To get your Latitude and Longitude follow the instructions Discover coordinates or search by latitude & longitude - Computer - Google Maps Help

To get your Latitude and Longitude follow the instructions Discover coordinates or search by latitude & longitude - Computer - Google Maps Help

Go to the EUROSTAT, select your Country and region, copy the code and paste it (e.g.,CY00, EE00)


Start-up definition: Recent incorporation date and typically work with innovation (business model or idea).
SME definition: Employ less than 250 people, have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million and/or have an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.

For NGOs, please select Non-Profit. Non-profit entities have a statutory/legal obligation to reinvest all the profits, without any possibility to distribute them to shareholders/members.

Affiliated Entity: if your entity has a (usually legal or capital*) link to another organization that is a member of the EIT UM, please include the PIC number of your “parent” entity.
*The legal or capital link covers:
• permanent legal structures (e.g., the relationship between an association and its members)
• contractual cooperation not limited to the project (e.g., an existing collaboration agreement for activities in a field relevant to the project)
• capital link, i.e. direct or indirect control of the parent organisation; under the same direct or indirect control as the parent organisation; or directly or indirectly controlling the parent organisation.

Please enter the PIC Number of the organization that you are affiliated to.

Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE Code)

Finance Information

{{ getCurrencyTextChanged() }}

Please indicate your value-added tax identification number. (max. characters 20)

Unique identification number assigned to companies by their national registration office. It is commonly used by companies in many operational and legal contexts.(max. characters 20)

{{ getEntityNameChanged() }} Bank Details
Account Holder Name Bank Name BIC IBAN

Contact Details

First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Gender Role Delete

If YES, then you need to fill only Primary contact and Finance contact.